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STAVELA.CZ > Old good England > Everydayness > What is good in England

What is good in EnglandWhat is good in England


What is good in England

Multi-culture state

England is a Nobody has care if you are from banana Czech Republic or banana Africa republic. It's truth, that in most of application forms you are asked for fillig ethnic origin (black man, white man, caribbean, china etc., but according to our opinions is only formality. Nations are here so mixed, that is absolutely normal see muslim man drive bus, black man in suit or white man working on the road. More often they look into your features here, what do you offer...


Prices - some of attractive offers are so interesting that is very difficult to resist, cause sometimes are price cheaper than same product in czech currency in the Czech republic. for example clothing, some of food etc.


Architecture - typical family brick houses combined with stone, step up "B-windows", tidy aligned you can see in every city, village, on the suburb... Stoned terrace, fences are embedded to the landscape, styled wooden-stoned pubs you can't forget. Roads with roundabouts, precise arrangement of trees near countries roads...

beautiful English language...

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